Amaro Botanic Garden

Botanic Garden je piće čiji koreni inače datiraju još iz antičkog Rima, kada su apotekari aromatizovali alkohol različitim vrstama lekovitih biljaka, voća i naravno šećera – kako bi dobili čudotvorne napitke čija gorčina je dokazano pospešivala varenje posle obilnog obroka. Nazvali su ga Amaro, što na italijanskom znači – gorak.

Rich, irresistible with strong character. Complex, natural ele gance and warmth.

Naš Amaro Botanic Garden se proizvodi od 33 različite vrste biljaka, začina, cvetova, kora citrusa i kora drveta koji se u dužem periodu natapaju alkoholom, čime iz njih izvlačimo najfinije aromatske sastojke – koji daju kompleksan i bogat ukus ovom likeru. Dodata količina šećera mu daje izbalansiran odnos gorčine i slatkoće.

It is a wonderful concert of sensations in which rhubarb, gentian, and cinchona stand out.

Although at the time of great popularity of cocktails, Amaro got its new role, we recommend that you try it neat - as a digestif after a good dinner. This is how it was served in the time of ancient Rome, so let's respect the tradition. Cheers!

Amaro Botanic Garden

Botanic Garden Amaro is a well-balanced bitter liqueur made by the best Italian tradition, by maceration of 33 different types of herbs, spices, flowers, citrus peel, and tree bark.
We recommend it as a digestif, after a good meal, on ice with a slice of orange.