Botanic Garden, Amaro from Podrum Palić distillery.
We have been considering for so time, what our next novelty in expanding Podrum Palić portfolio should be. The choice was a simple, ubiquitous, but yet somewhat forgotten - Amaro.
Amaro je gorki liker, piće čiji koreni inače datiraju još iz antičkog Rima, kada su apotekari aromatizovali alkohol različitim vrstama lekovitih biljaka, voća i naravno šećera – kako bi dobili čudotvorne napitke čija gorčina je dokazano pospešivala varenje posle obilnog obroka. Nazvali su ga Amaro, što na italijanskom znači – gorak.
When we say it's simple, we mean compared to the technology of producing other drinks, but that's exactly why the greatest mastery is in the recipe itself - which every distillery keeps to itself as the biggest secret.
Rich, irresistible and strong character.
Complex, natural elegance and warmth.
Our Amaro, Botanic Garden nastaje infuzijom, odnosno takozvanom maceracijom 33 različite biljke, začina, cvetova, kora citrusa i kora drveta – koji se danima natapaju alkoholom, kako bi se iz njih izvukli željeni aromatski sastojci. Na kraju procesa dodaje se šećer kako bi se uravnotežila fascinantna mešavina gorkih ukusa. Tako dobijamo kompleksan, bogat a opet izbalansiran Amaro Botanic Garden sa prirodnom elegancijom i toplinom, sa 30% alkohola.
Amaro Botanic Garden is a great concert of sensations in which rhubarb, gentian and cinchona stand out.
Although at the time of great popularity of cocktails, Amaro got its new role, we recommend that you try it neat - as a digestif after a good dinner. This is how it was served even in the time of ancient Rome and Greece, so let's respect the tradition. Cheers! During the peak of cocktail culture, Amaro was given a new role. However, we suggest trying it neat as a digestif after a good dinner. This is how it was traditionally served in ancient Rome. Let's honor this tradition and cheers to that!