
UNICUM – Tajna recepta starog preko 200 godina.

This legendary bitter liqueur is the national drink of Hungary and the most popular Hungarian brand, of which they are particularly proud. 

The secret recipe for this bitter liqueur with over 40 herbs was developed as a digestive, by court physician dr. Zwack, for Habsburg Emperor Joseph II. When the Emperor tasted it in 1790, he simply exclaimed:

„Doktore Zwack, ovo je jedan Unicum!“


Original bitter liqueur with more than 40 herbs and spices of premium quality, also recognizable by the unique shape of the bottle. Every Unicum has aged six months in oak barrels. It is consumed as pure as a short drink in a chilled glass or with beer.


The secret of the magnificent taste of this liqueur, besides the traditional Unicum recipe - is aging on dry plums in oak barrels. In preparation for this unique combination, superb plums are carefully picked and gently dried, in order to keep their distinctive bouquet, which they will hand over liqueur during aging. It is consumed neat, as a short drink, in summer cocktails, or during winter in mulled wine.


Ovaj super premium liker odležao je u dve različite vrste hrastovih buradi starih preko 80 godina, iz vinarije porodice Zwack koja je stvorila Unicum. Interakcija Unicuma i ovog hrasta, kroz decenije je stvorila jedinstveni sloj takozvanog „crnog meda“ koji ovom piću daje svilenkast i kompleksan ukus. Dodatno odležavanje u drugoj vrsti buradi, zaokružuje i daje mekši ukus ovom piću. Konzumira se na ledu ili u koktelima.


Novitet iz čuvene kuće Zwack. Kombinujući dve tradicije na inovativan način, napravljen je Unicum Barista – biljni liker sa ekstraktom Arabica kafe, koji svoj konačni karakter dobija odležavanjem u hrastovim buradima. Pomešajte sa ledom u šejkeru, za potpuno novo iskustvo!